The Design Study Spot

A blog by a student, for students. All things design related.

Houzz October 11, 2009

Filed under: design,Misc. — Montana Shrader @ 10:37 pm

Looking for some much needed inspiration? This is just the place: Just type something in the search bar and be prepared for the massive amounts of images, a little shifting, a little sorting and you might find what you’re looking for.


Powers of Ten September 1, 2009

Filed under: Misc.,universe,Video — Montana Shrader @ 6:04 pm
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All of you know Ray and Charles Eames. But do you know of the video they did called Powers of Ten? Its a fast take on the universe and perhaps a lesson on not underestimating a simple zero. Good design and interesting content comes in all forms. I came across it in a astronomy class ( in which the final was 50?! pages long! no joke.) Thank goodness interior is projects and not 50 page tests! Enjoy!